Promotion Points

USJA Promotion Points



Competition – Ponts

USJA players can earn promotion points for competition in Shiai (individual or team) or Kata (form competition).  The individual and team competition must involve competitors from at least two clubs. Contests within your own club do not qualify for earning promotion points.  No points are awarded for winning by hansoku-make (disqualification), kiken-gachi (withdrawal), and fusen-gachi (default), as no skill was required by the winner to earn such a win.

Service – Points

Promotion points are awarded to USJA members who donate their time, energy and skills to the USJA. Our promotional system recognizes those members who support and provide services to  the association.  The USJA awards specific points for coaching, teaching, refereeing, hosting tournaments, conducting clinics, and various other functions that benefit judo and the association.

Important  Note:  In order to accrue points for promotion through the USJA, an individual’s USJA membership must be current at the time the points were earned.  If there has been a lapse in membership of more than 6 months, any points earned during that time cannot be counted for promotion.

Please check the current USJA Senior Judo Rank Handbook  and Junior Judo Rank Handbook for a detailed breakdown on current promotion points values.